Its been a year we are carrying out 100% chemical free farming experiments and the mother earth is surprising us on every single day.
Our farm is situated in Konkan region of Maharashtra, which is also known as granary of Rice. Since ages farmers here are cultivating rice as there main crop. Post Green revolution use of Urea, super phosphate and Potassium sulfate has increased hence a lot and traditional farming practices are taking back seat since then.

At Begreenss farm we started with cultivating Spinach, Eggplant, Coriander, Green chilies, Radish etc vegetables by just using Vasudha Vermicompost and without any other pesticide or chemical fertilizers. We were getting good results and we were excited to up this game by trying same methods for rice crop as well.

When we discussed idea of cultivating rice only with using vasudha Vermicompost and Buddy vermiwash with local farmers, they were of this thought that rice crop is not possible without Urea and other synthetic fertilizers. But we took this upon ourselves and decided why not try it out?
We used the same rice seeds which local farmers were using, followed same methods of plantation but instead of using harmful fertilizers we used Vasudha Vermicompost along with Buddy Vermiwash. and results were shockingly beautiful.

Average seed count on each panicle on surrounding farmer's rice plants were around 150 to 170 seeds per panicle. where as on our organic farm the same average was 268 seeds per panicle! which is 150% more than what fellow farmers produced with using chemical fertilizers. To our surprise this organic or chemical farming experiment was a huge success and we are about to replicate this across our complete land in next rainy season.
It will be a treat to relish this years "Modak" and "Bhakari" made up from these organic chemical free rice grain. Are you willing to join in for this healthy and tasty treat?